Empower Children With Mathematics

4 out of 5 students start kindergarten under prepared for the kindergarten curriculum. Students that start behind tend to stay behind.

Why do we do what we do?
Our Mission: Empower Children With Mathematics

4 out of 5 Students Are underprepared for kindergarten

80% of students do not understand the teacher coming into kindergarten. Students are required to count to ten. To show proficiency, they are asked to give the teacher ten items and the student is able to slide over ten items and stop on ten. Most people consider counting to ten saying the numbers from one to ten in order is counting to ten.

The Gap Never Closes

Put together, these two charts show that when a student enters the United States education system with the ability to understand the teacher, then the education system in America actually works.

On average, a student in an underfunded neighborhood is 3 years behind their funded peer. That means that a third grader, with an understanding of numbers rivaling a kindergartner, could be listening to a teacher speak about multiplication in a classroom setting. That is an impossible situation for both the teacher and student.

Young Children Can Learn Advanced Topics

During play, children as young as four exhibit concepts as advanced as multiplication and division when they group toys or divide tea evenly. Research shows that the adults in the room are afraid to label the activities mathematically because they are afraid the students would not understand. Young students are adapt to learning language and the language of mathematics through algebra is required to have a student that is proficient enough to pick up any of the STEM materials. Algebra is the "third grade reading" equivalent for mathematics. A student cannot even read a text on financial literacy without encountering x as the amount in their bank account.

More Mathematics equaled better results in all subjects

Children that did more mathematics during the preschool years were better readers, writers, and speakers. They performed better in all subjects. Preschool mathematics scores were a better predictor of third grade reading scores than preschool reading scores.

All of this calls for a solution that is effective.

Introducing Elephant Learning

We were founded by Ph.D. Mathematicians and Computer Scientists from the University of Denver. Actual professors of mathematics, with one goal to empower our own children with mathematics. We knew if we could build a platform that ensures that our children understand these foundational topics, then they would excel regardless of where they go to school.

On average, students in our system learn 1.5 years of conceptual mathematics in a quarter when they use the system just 30 minutes per week.

In 2020, we created a coaching program to help students that were exhibiting mathematics anxiety. The manual for the coaching program is now an Amazon Best Seller, "Treating Mathematics Anxiety: Inclusive Strategies for Working With Students Exhibiting Mathematics Anxiety."

Meet our team

Our team of scientists and educators

Dr. Aditya Nagrath Ph.D.
Founder & CEO
Brian Healey
Educational Product Advisor
Jerod Blakely
Director of School Partnerships
Raymark Barroga
Dean of Customer Success
Stacey Saunders
Mathematics Coach
Kathy Garner
Mathematics Coach

Our Promise To Your

Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics. Here is how we intend to accomplish that with your team.

Students using Elephant Learning report  more confidence and actually enjoying mathematics in the classroom.

Students learn years of mathematics in just 3 months using our system just 10 minutes per day.

Our system is automated. It is a gamification of a proven curriculum. To the student feels like playing a puzzle game.

We help every step of the way to ensure teachers understand their student's learning trajectory.
Considering a Pilot Program?

Districts or Teachers that enroll in our pilot program can try the program for free in their classrooms.

*Get started today by entering your email above.

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